The Lord Cares - Psalm 55
Psalm 55
In this painful lament of David, the king of Israel agonizes over being betrayed by a
close friend (likely his adviser, Ahithophel, in 2 Samuel 15-17). Like David, we can cry
out to God with confidence in our own times of grief and despair because He hears our
prayers, delivers us, and confronts those who practice evil against us. Use the following
prayer starters as you pray through Psalm 55:
· Lord, help my prayers to You be honest and real.
· Thank you for hearing my prayers when I cry out to You in anguish.
· I praise You for the many times You have carried my burdens and anxieties!
· Lord, You know I feel betrayed by __________. Now I confess my unhealthy
emotions toward them and ask You to deliver me from bitterness and grudges.
· Lord Jesus, I surrender my grief and anger to You and ask that You heal my
wounded heart.
· In all things, Lord, I will trust in You!